Interview with Matt Mullenweg

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world

Intermission, while I try to figure out what is going on with my dashboard…they seem to have imposed this new editor on me again, and I am now not even able to form a proper link.

In the meantime I am about two thirds of the way through this video. So instead of writing what I started out to write, that requires a lot of links, and formatting of images, which seems to have stopped working again, I am sharing it with you

Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, is probably the most interesting benevolent dictator on the internet. I first discovered him during the Adnan Oktar/Harun Yahya creationist hoax. He stood up to Turkey when they blocked WordPress subdomains, unlike Google that is willing to cooperate with repressive regimes in order to make a profit. You may also remember my little adventure with teh Kohzer, of Wikipedioacrazy fame, and how the WordPress organization was able to provide the legal structure for small time writers like me to stand up to bullies who would have us silenced.

Even if you don’t follow all the techie stuff, this is a very interesting glimpse into the personal style and organizational philosophy of one of the most fascinating and effective leaders in the business.

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