Trans gym victory in Germany

Laura Holstein

Laura Holstein sued a female-only gym in Bavaria to use the women’s showers. Holstein sued for €2,500.

According to Bild, the gym is “Lady’s First” in Erlangen.
Source: “Trans-Trouble im Frauen-Fitness: Betreiberin wollte keinen Penis in der Dusche – soll jetzt Schmerzensgeld zahlen” [“Trans trouble in women’s fitness: Operator did not want a penis in the shower – must now pay compensation”]


The gym is said to have 40% Muslim membership.  Many Muslim women are not allowed to “mingle”, or talk to men.  Also they are not allowed to remove their scarves where males are present, and have to stay bundled up.

The gym was ordered to pay a €1,000 discrimination fine. This is $1,080.61 USD.

That ought to teach them a lesson.

But it’s not over. Gym owner Doris Lange is planning to appeal, and is collecting donations for a legal defense.

“A few weeks ago, my world started to turn upside down. A person came to our studio who claimed to be a trans woman and wanted to become a member. I wasn’t there myself. She told my young employee that she had not yet undergone gender reassignment surgery. She also didn’t show any ID that would have shown that her name was female. My employee wasn’t sure how to handle this and arranged a trial training session with her, with the proviso that she would first consult with the boss and then give feedback. As for showering, the person suggested to my employee that she could wear swimming trunks.

“When I found out about this, I decided that my women’s gym would not be able to accept this person. Even with swimming trunks, the person is still a biological man; none of my customers would want to shower like that. But not only in the changing and shower areas, but also in the – only – training area, I guarantee my customers a safe area when they sign up for membership, where they can train without biological men. With a not insignificant proportion of Muslim women, some of whom are traumatized, and also underage girls whose mothers register their daughters with us in a safe room, I would be breaking my promise to my customers. Customers would – rightly – cancel in droves and I could close my business.”

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