EFF: “From the river to…”

«من النهر إلى البحر فلسطين ستصبح حرة»

The EFF has weighed in on the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. This was presented to the oversight board of  Meta, as in Facebook (not meta, as in Wikipedia).


I am still trying to wrap my head around all the verbiage and discover some permutation of this slogan where Israel does exist, and the phrase is not a not-so-subtle dog whistle for “kill all the Jews”.

Why this matters: WMF Legal takes a lot of its causes directly from the EFF, mostly free speech type stuff.  I’m not sure exactly what they do — maybe file amicus briefs?– or what pages they use, presumably on Meta, the Wikipedia one, but maybe someone ought to look into this.

Add to this the factoid that very single Arabic-speaking WMF employee is Palestinian.  Every. Single. One.

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