Evelyn Y. Davis, RIP corporate troll

Evelyn Davis’ tombstone reads “1929-forever” but this week she died.

Everyone, including the NYT, wrote an obituary, but since she was not male or a porn star or a Pokemon character or a road, her presence on Wikipedia is about what you might expect, although it’s hard to image how Wikipedia could possibly do justice to her character.

Davis was well known for trolling stockholder meetings and giving speeches dressed in various costumes calculated to make a point. She was able to gain access to White House press briefings because she was the publisher of “Highlights and Lowlights of Annual Meetings”, a newsletter costing $600 a copy, with a minimum purchase of two copies, that she arm-twisted executives into buying.

I have not been able to find any copies of “Highlights and Lowlights” online, but the internet archive has a copy of her 1975 testimony (p. 257) at a hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial Machinery of the Committee on the Judiciary. At the end of her statement she says, “Does anybody else have questions? I would like to answer questions. Are you afraid of me ?” Might this be the source of her third husband? “Her third marriage, to a retired economist she met at a Senate Banking Committee hearing,…”

This humble blog might be the most interesting, it has photos of all her tombstones, the names of all her ex-husbands, and the concentration camps her family stayed at during the war.

Her pranks were endless. She once nominated Ralph Nader, the author of the Corvair takedown Unsafe at any Speed, to be a director on the board of General Motors. But when she bought a car, it was a Jaguar, hand delivered to her residence at the Watergate Hotel by executive Bill Ford.

She appeared at meetings dressed in hot pants and once in a bandolier of bullets.

Ronald Reagan’s press secretary Larry Speakes used to seat her at the rear of White House press conferences behind some potted plants, but Reagan would end up calling on her anyhow.

No doubt more stories will emerge.

While most of the obits are carefully neutral in tone, you can find other stuff on the internet that portrays her as abusive.

“Davis’s tirades at the microphone can veer off on wild tangents about anything from her health woes to the physical attractiveness of corporate directors, and she often becomes abusive. ‘She can be amusing, but the dark side of her is when she says something hurtful, like ‘You’re no threat to me—you’re too fat,’” Steve Norman says. ‘She will wheel around and attack another stockholder as a ‘spiteful old drooler.’”

In 2002, former Eli Lilly CEO Randall Tobias said, “Her most lethal weapon is the fact that she does not care what anyone else thinks of her, and so she’s prepared to be rude, to interrupt, to be domineering, and to do essentially whatever it takes to command attention.”

She might have fit right in at Wikipedia.

Her voice is often described as having a “thick Dutch accent.” The only video I can find of her is from 2011, which seems to be the last year her newsletter was active. She would have been 82 in this clip.


What’s going down?

The rapid-response demonstration network has been activated. Demonstrations are scheduled for 5 pm local time around the country. This was put in place long ago in case Mueller got fired.

This is being supported by a number of public advocacy groups like MoveOn.org, Public Citizen, Greenpeace, etc and is being retweeted by alt federal agency rogue accounts like Alternative HHS@AltHHS (the people who helped hide our climate change data in Canada), .

There is a list of events here on the protest website, you can also do a search by zip code.

The precipitating events of the last 24 hours:

  • The Tuesday election left Democrats in a majority in the House, but not the Senate.
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been fired by Trump. Sessions is no choir boy — google his record on voting rights and the 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King that Elizabeth Warren tried to introduce at his Senate confirmation hearing.  But he earned Trump’s undying wrath when he recused himself from the Russia investigation.
  • Rod Rosenstein has been removed as acting attorney general for the purposes of the Russia investigation. Rosenstein has canceled a speech scheduled for Thursday in San Francisco at the Aspen Institute cybersecurity summit. Twitter remembers that Comey was fired while giving a speech in LA and was stuck without a return trip ticket, the prediction is that Rosenstein is to be fired.
  • Matthew G. Whitaker has been installed as acting Attorney General.

Connecting a few more dots…
About the Democratic majority in the House:

  • the House impeaches but the Senate removes from office, this is why Bill Clinton was impeached (the charge was lying under oath) but not removed from office….obvious implications for Kavanaugh, as Bernie Sanders and others say he lied under oath
  • appropriations bills are controlled by the House….
  • if something happens to both the President and Vice President, the next in the line of succession is the Speaker of the House, which come January will be a Democrat, probably Nancy Pelosi, as she is lobbying hard for it.

These are not just the usual throwaway partisan talking points, this is history in the making.  Google the Saturday Night Massacre, from the Nixon Watergate scandal.

Forget the Acosta drama at the White House presser, does anyone really think they could not have just turned off his microphone?  Does anyone not believe the Trump will continue to call the MSM “the enemy” and the CNN will continue to get death threats? Let CNN handle it. This is the “chaos as usual” that is the backdrop to our current political landscape. The only thing we can do at this point is take it to the streets.

Oh and the House can subpoena witnesses.
UPDATE: hashtag #SaveMueller trending Wikipedia: Nobody Is Above the Law

Election fatigue

A female saint prays for a blue wave.

Gov. Scott Walker has just conceded the Wisconsin race for governor, in spite of massive funding from the Koch brothers.

Something happened to around 2,000 of Wisconsin’s absentee ballots, which had to be counted by special bipartisan teams, nonetheless the news services were calling the election some time after 1 A.M.

In my own neck of the words, Deskland also had record turnouts and rumors ballet irregularities, with insufficient printing of ballots, and thousands of votes in jeopardy.  My own experience, however, was uneventful, I did not even wait in line.

The image above of the unidentified female saint is from the Bute Psalter c. 1285. [Source.]

Yoga incel mystery deaths

Maura Binkley and Dr. Nancy Van Vessem, killed in yoga studio attack

For anyone who still thinks the incel thing is just “ironic” and therefore harmless.

Last Friday, Scott Paul Beierle walked into a yoga studio and killed two women in front of witnesses.  CNN is still calling him an “alleged” killer.  The police claim to be mystified by the attack.

Authorities say it’s not clear why Beierle carried out the attack

No really, the guy identified with incels, and worshiped mass murderer “Saint” Elliot Rodger, and they still can’t figure it out?

Hmm, Vox: on incels and “super tight yoga pants“. Also, some comments on yoga pants-related rants from r/IncelTears “Yoga pants are a form of “psychic vampirism”, an “agenda to keep men in a perpetual state of horniness”.

Wikipedia Fuckoff Fest moves to Facebook, JzG tells Asaf to fuck off

It was only a matter of time before Wikipedia’s current Fuck Fest RfC made it to Facebook.

Facebook is really hard to link to, and to explain.  You have to constantly unroll the threads, but without a thread unroll utility like there is on Twitter, and then once you can see the comments, you lose the nesting. But I will try.

The thread was started by Jake Orlowitz [User:Ocaasi (WMF)]

Is this real life? Behold an actual English Wikipedia !vote on whether it’s uncivil to tell someone to “fuck off” repeatedly… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Civility…!

As might be predicted, the mere mention of the word set off a chain reaction that quickly degenerated into blatant abuse.

Who is this Guy Chapman, and why is he saying stuff like this:

Yeah sure, “fuck off” really means “I don’t believe you”, just like the c-word is ha-ha, actually British, (also I have a bridge to sell you) unless you happen to be British and know better.  But maybe even then you would just go along with it, either to see what will happen or because you don’t want to become the target of such malevolence yourself.

But this is a Wikipedia thread so they all suspend their disbelief in the name of Assume Good Faith.  Guy Chapman did not *really* tell Asaf Bartov to “fuck off”, even though we all just saw him say “fuck off”, because “fuck off” does not actually mean “fuck off”.   Although Andy Dingley does have a longish story about translating “bugger” to French that he posts without further comment.

And someone else who is actually British, and a real identifiable person, says that no, this is not acceptable in the UK, and that in fact if it did happen in the workplace, it would “probably be a disciplinary matter”. So now we have our first inkling that the British *do* have workplace standards.
not british FB screenshot

But Guy Chapman does not back off; he does not have a global perspective.  Call it British entitlement or male entitlement or just provincialism, his loyalty is to his friends, whose standards, and whose use of abusive language to express “intimacy”, if you believe him, he thinks he must impose on everyone else.

Here is his Facebook page:

As is turns out, this is none other than User:JzG, who is, wait for it, an admin.

How did Wikipedia end up stuck with leadership like this?

The whole Facebook thread is reproduced, with all the comments unrolled/unhidden, below the fold:

The last word I think should go to Asaf:

Continue reading “Wikipedia Fuckoff Fest moves to Facebook, JzG tells Asaf to fuck off”

Katherine retweets prisoners of conscience

saudi embassy street london
Saudi embassy in London

Katherine Maher must not have a hot date lined up for Big Saturday Night, because for the last hour or so she’s been retweeting arrests in Egypt and prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia.  Shall we have a look?

[Oh wait she’s speaking at GLAM Wiki conference in Tel Aviv this week. (livestream room 2; livestream room 4 where the keynotes are.)]


Arrested in Egypt: 19 of the few remaining un-arrested human rights lawyers and advocates, “So far at least eight women and 11 men were arrested in raids which began in the early hours of this morning.”:


  • Hoda Abdelmoniem (red link),  prominent 60-year-old human rights lawyer, she is a former member of the National Council for Human Rights.
  • Mohamed Abu Horira (red link), lawyer and former spokesperson for ECRF
  • Ezzat Ghoniem, the co-founder of ECRF, and Azzouz Mahgoub (red link), another lawyer at the organization, have been forcibly disappeared since 14 September. Both were arrested in March 2018 but a court ordered their release on 4 September. However, security forces ignored the court order and instead forcibly disappeared them from prison.

Saudi Arabia

“Going to begin a thread on prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia. After Khashoggi’s murder, it’s more important than ever that we raise awareness about who these people are.”

So who are these people (now listed alphabetically):

  • Abdullah al-Hamid, a leading Islamist intellectual and political reformer who co-founded the now-banned Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA).
  • Abdullah al-Maliki, an Islamic intellectual and writer who has called for political and social reforms in Saudi Arabia.
  • Ali al-Omari (red link), a preacher and media personality who ran the 4Shbab TV network.
  • Ashraf Fayadh, a Palestinian poet
  • Eman al-Nafjan, a women’s rights activist and author of the Saudi Woman blog.
  • Essam al-Zamel, (Essam al-Zamil) (red link), an influential economist and entrepreneur who had publicly criticised the proposed ARAMCO IPO.This is عصام الزامل@essamz (last tweet Sept 2017) see عصام الزامل , probably has enough sources to be notable.)
  • Hasan Farhan al-Maliki (red link), a well-known Islamic thinker and critic of Wahhabism
  • Hatoon al-Fassi, a women’s rights activist and academic who has campaigned for the right of women to drive and participate in elections.
  • Loujain al-Hathloul, a prominent women’s rights activist
  • Mohammed al-Qahtani, oops that would be Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani and not the Guantanamo Bay prisoner) human rights activist, economics professor and founding member of ACPRA
  • Nasema al-Sadah (red link), a human rights activist and co-founder of the Al-Adalah Centre for Human Rights who has campaigned against the male guardianship system and the ban on women driving.  (She was arrested with Samir Badawi and is at the center of the Canada-Saudi spat)
  • Salman al-Odah, a popular cleric and former leader of the Sahwa movement who has called for political reform in Saudi Arabia.
  • Samir Badawi with Hillary and MichelleSamar Badawi, an award-winning human rights activist who has campaigned against the male guardianship system and the ban on women driving. (This is weird, some user with multiple talk page warnings has removed a photo of her standing with Hillary and Michelle.   https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Samar_Badawi&diff=next&oldid=864769101  )
  • Saud Mukhtar al-Hashimi (red link), an Islamist intellectual and advocate of political reform
  • Waleed Abulkhair, a human rights lawyer and activist who founded the Monitor of Human Rights in Saudi Arabia.

Also from the thread:

In exile:

Oh lookie, Wikimedia UK is on it, teh Google tells me this is in London near the Shoreditch High Street Overground.  (wait wait wait what happened to the Underground???)

Wikimedia Editathon, Middle Eastern Human Rights
location Newspeak House | 12 PM-4 PM Sunday 04 November 2018 (GMT)

Ooh, and London is definitely not happy, lol, they have renamed the street outside the Saudi embassy Khashoggi Street. Can only imagine the request for new official stationery.
saudi embassy street london

Google walkout in progress

The hashtag is #GoogleWalkout. The Twitter account is @GoogleWalkout.

Just a reminder that Google and Wikipedia have a long intertwined relationship, including the board of trustees.  This is not just a Google story, it is who we partner with. Tell me this, where would Wikipedia be without its Google ranking?  Everipædia, amirite?
google walkout

Try substituting “Wikipedia” for “Google” in all of these statements.

These are actually pretty good.

The live Tweet is here:

Pics are being updated by Business Insider at  “Google walkout live: Pictures of Google workers leaving their desks in protest over sexual misconduct“.

Dublin: (Ted, Ted@TedOnPrivacy, a privacy engineer who writes a lot about privacy in China, says “People are sharing stories about harassment, microagressions, inefficient process, broken culture, etc.”... )


Oh look they have donuts. No need to “come to the dark side” for cookies.

[EDIT] …A little update…

Best protest sign award: “Happy to quit for $90M — no sexual harassment required”

happy to quit for 90 M google walkout sign

BBC news describes more of the issues at stake in “Google staff walkout: How US employers silence sex accusers“:

A female staff member at Google is harassed.

She complains to her boss.

She goes through an internal grievance hearing, then an arbitration process and loses.

But if she wants to go public with her claims before a court of law, she can’t.

Google is one of many companies which gets employees to sign “forced arbitration” agreements, requiring all discrimination cases – not just sexual harassment but also racism and equal pay disputes – to be resolved internally, with no judicial oversight.

It means they can’t sue their bosses if they’re unhappy with that outcome.

Companies are starting to do away with these laws, but 53.9% of US employers still have them in place.

(T)his means that more 60.1 million American workers (both men and women) can’t go to the courts to protect their employment rights.

Employees may also be forced to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that prevent them from speaking publicly about sexual harassment claims or officials accused of sexual assault.

More retweets from @GoogleWalkout:
Here is a video from one of the employees, displayed directly from Twitter:

Screenshots in case it gets deleted:
google video 1
google video 2
google video 3 google video 4 google video 5

Respect, justice, fairness, and google

“Google’s famous for its culture. But in reality we’re not even meeting the basics of respect, justice and fairness for every single person here.”

Now here is a good use of All Saints Day.

Last week the New York Times revealed that “Google paid millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives accused of harassment and stayed silent about their transgressions.”

On Thursday more than 1500 employees, mostly women, plan to walk out in protest.

Hmm, … respect, justice, and fairness….now I wonder why that sounds so familiar.