
And now for something completely different, a Chinese woman playing an erhu.

The instrument said to be able to express human sadness and suffering. This folk melody is called Running River.

She is really quite good.

It is dedicated to Crowsnest over on Sucks, who is was the only person there worth reading.  No idea what is going on over there.

The erhu does not coexist well with the python.

However teh wiki tells us a python substitute material has been invented. In spite of that, the things are all over Amazon.  Poor snek.

Bonus erhu concert.

27 thoughts on “Erhu

  1. It’s basically a coup. Kumioko was sent by Wikipediocracy as an advance party, not with his knowledge of course, and he did what he does, shitting up the place. I told them what he was and what they should do, they ignored me, then only after they finally realized I was right, they binned him off. But they think they can somehow use their failure as the excuse to usher in a new era, with all the rules and other bullshit that would be familiar to how Wikipedia/Wikipediocracy is run.

    For some reason they thought I’d be OK with that, as If I’d forgotten the whole point of the forum is to offer a workable alternative to Wikipediocracy. The mysterious moderator JuiceBeetle is behind it all, and it would totally not be a surprise to learn he is a disaffected Wikipedian of the Wikipediocracy stripe. He’s certainly no high functioning critic, as hard as he tries. He’s deleting, merging and pruning stuff left right and centre, all to hide the worst of my cutting criticism of his laughable attempts at moderation, while keeping some of it visible, out of some apparent belief he’s doing me a favour.

    Frustrated that he can’t shut me up but has no real reason to seek my banning, he’s being as cute and provocative as any of these people who get elevated to the position but who clearly cannot discharge it effectively. The simple fact is he talks too much (and largely in riddles) and doesn’t listen enough. He had options, choices, ways to avoid the car crash. That he did not take them, seems to indicate not incompetence, but malevolence. But as you know, a forum that hides its dirty laundry in the private areas out of sheer shame, is a forum whose evident dysfunction will be very hard to truly understand for onlookers. Classic Wikipediocracy tactic.

    Maybe he has the backing of the owners/Administrators in what he’s doing, and there is at least some indication he does, but I would also not be surprised if keeping them in the dark about everything he’s done, is deliberate. The guy clearly thinks he can treat me like some punk ass gendered insult, letting people not fit to lick my boots pillory my knowledge and record, with nothing but jealousy being behind it, all while there is supposedly a Wikipediocracy style don’t insult each other rule in effect, preventing me from having my right of reply, a mistake they made during the Kumioko advance party. And for that alone, he is paying the price.

    The Autumn Wind doesn’t roll like that. The Autumn Wind is a Raider. Now that’s some divine Japanese poetry right there, no?

  2. It just occurred to me to wonder whether the current Sucks moderator is a native speaker of English. If not, their English is very very good, but you don’t often see them use a lot of slang, which made me wonder. Of course given the multi-lingual background of the other Sucks posters, that would be a plus to communication.

    It could also explain some of their responses to you — they may not understand your concerns unless you post in very clear and plain language. But it also looks like this Singora is being given leave to develop the “intellectual” thread as a sort of puff piece – or maybe hit piece on other forum members – with no criticisms permitted. I share your concern about the potential lack of balance on the blog if all the reality checks are being moved to an invisible members-only forum. This is doubly concerning since the alt-right white supremacist crowd is now on the move and looking for a new home since Auggie’s demise. Don’t forget that not only is Breitbart not a reliable source for Wikipedia, but that the Breitbart/Steve Bannon/Milo Yiannopoulos/pedophilia axis was considered too extreme for even the Trump White House.

    I had also wondered if you had given any thought to starting your own forum or blog. A WordPress subdomain is free, it would give you a place to communicate if you have a falling out with another forum. and it is totally under your control. I was interested in your reaction to the Fram business, and am a little sad that your remarks are buried somewhere in a place that is not very searchable, and now subject to being deleted at any moment. Such is the nature of forums, and of moderation.

  3. If he’s not a native speaker, he shouldn’t be pretending like he can read and understand my complaints. I can well believe that in his arrogance, this is exactly what may be the cause of many of the issues. I posted a detailed criticism of his choice to both cheer a ranking thread like that, and allow him to pepper it with obvious digs at me (while claiming it has nothing to do with me). This should all theoretically be against his new rules, it should all be gone if he’s gonna claim he cleaned the thread of all off topic stuff. Unsurprisingly, that is the post he has deleted and now claims to not even remember the contents of.

    I don’t need my own blog, being a loner isn’t my thing. I used to post my long form stuff as guest pieces on other people’s sites, and I suppose I was remiss in not carrying on with that tradition latterly. I need a forum because the whole point of this stuff for me is the exchange (and testing) of ideas, but obviously that requires your fellow members to be inclined to do so.

    You can probably easily see from the public areas the sort of childish nonsense that now passes for good conduct over there. All part of the new culture brought in by JuiceBeetle. It’s sounding like Abd wants credit for organizing the coup via Discord, but you know him, that could just be his need to think he’s effective at creating such things. I doubt the people really behind this have involved him at all. Probably don’t even read his stuff. Wouldn’t that be hilarious!

    The forum search function can get you a quick list of all topics I created, although that obviously won’t include long posts I added to someone else’s thread.

    I hereby grant you the right to reproduce any posts of mine you locate in the Sucks forum that you think deserve more prominence. I will place only two conditions – that you credit only me ( “Crowsnest, Wikipedia critic, HTD”), not even mentioning those thieving bastards, and that you reproduce the pieces in full and intact (censoring any bad words if need be). A limited amount of editorial freedom shall be granted for the purposes of chaptering or (non-annotated) sectioning. I shall post a confirmation there that this is me, so I suggest you archive it.

    1. I think you probably own the rights to anything you publish there, in any case I appreciate the trust, but you are the best one to curate your own materials.

      Often the best commentary is the one that is most current — and stale the next day.

      I don’t see any “arrogance” here, or any advantage in questioning motives, but if you have issues with some mod actions I think you need to speak plainly about what you disagree with and why. I do not understand everything you say, either.

      They are herding cats over there, but they are doing a much better job than Auggie, who got shut down for anarchy. They are still trying to assimilate refugees from Wikirev and even Wikipediocracy on occasion, so it will be bumpy at times but I would encourage you to try to work with them. If you want your ideas to have a wide readership, the increased membership should be an advantage to you in the long run. And your strength has always been in creating a coherent narrative (in spite of all the cursing and walls of text).

      The main reason I thought you should have your own platform is to have control over censorship, since I see they have started deleting profanity without warning and it completely changes the meaning of the text. Some people post the original on their blog and cross post to another venue..You can also start a draft article in the back room and use it to store links or screenshots or archive a few things, in case your stuff gets deleted. This might work for you at Wikipediocracy for instance, if you thought going back full-tilt might create too much conflict, you could just dip one toe in the water by posting a link and asking for feedback, which is what you want, yes? Sucks has never been able to offer any kind of valuable critique though, they are too much of a mixed bag. But you probably already know that.

      1. That’s the point though. At least under the old regime, I had no fear of censorship or the other stuff that’s happening now. I could quickly write something, and it would have value in the moment, as you say. Hence the ease of posting on a forum, rather than running my own blog, which I’d feel obliged to make sure looked a little bit more professional. Maybe my mistake was in assuming that freedom was a deliberate choice of the management. As the Kumioko incident kicked off they were making noises about how the place is all about free speech and allowing diverse opinions, as was my understanding. Things unravelled when I pointed out the fact that if they want a forum, not just a place for people without their own blog, then there were certain things they needed to do. Certain things they need to stop people saying. They only clamped down on Kumioko once he literally started lying about what Administrators had said. Didn’t seem to matter much when he was firing out obvious lies about me at an industrial rate. Stuff that insiders know was sheer crap, but which casual observers might not know was complete fiction. Ultimately, it’s about trust. Do they have my back or don’t they? Am I allowed to defend my reputation or not? When they don’t seem to want to stop it being attacked. Juice seems desperate for people to think they do, but I’m an actions guy, their words don’t mean much when it does not match their actions. His actions post Kumioko are every bit the Wikipediocracy model of user control now, just incredibly, somehow even worse.

          1. The headings were mine, that having been planned as a long form piece from the start. When I’m really on my game, I can write something like that in a couple of hours or so, if that, don’t recall now. IIRC, they asked to use the piece, properly credited, and I happily granted it. Didn’t ask them not to link or mention Sucks, but glad they didn’t now. At the time, only Wikipediocracy were on my No Soup For You list. I really should have done a final one, but you know Kumioko, just gotta fuck everyone’s shit up. With Juice’s help. One day he will realize the true cost of his amateur hour modship.

            1. And now you see another reason people do not want to have anything to do with Sucks. Even now they are trying to throw someone under the bus that just last week we were told was a member or maybe a former member. Is this how to treat their members, that some new guy can come in and throw them under the bus and start looking for where they live.

  4. I do hope there will be a post-mortem on the Greenman RfA, for instance why did RexxS go to crat-chat and not Greenman, and what were the numbers. What was Lourdes’ accusation of impropriety all about, and why weren’t there any diffs. What was that mess on Greenman’s talk page. And what are those new accusations Beebs is making over on Wikipediocracy about “taking on board” the accusations against him which to me look pretty vague. Maybe he was supposed to withdraw when he was ordered to by Kudpung? Beebs seems to think Greenman is some kind of minority and is using this to take advantage of someone. What’s that about? Also it looks like all the hazing came from admins. Are we entering an era of second-generation admin selection where new admins are not chosen by “the community”, but by an elite cadre of certain other admins? So how many admins ivoted and which ones were able to tank the vote. Crow is the only one with the stamina to wade into that morass… and yet everyone seems to be having issues with him, when there are much more problematic individuals they do not have issues with.

    Post it on your own platform Crow, and I will link to it.

    Or get them to agree to keep certain individuals off your thread, or move their comments — they seem to be willing to do that for other topics.

    1. On no doubt, this Greenman stuff is absolutely the sort of thing I’d be getting deep into, before everything went to shit. I just can’t reward these people with the benefit of my best work while they’re doing everything they can to make that place repeat the mistakes of Wikipediocracy and even Wikipedia. I never wanted special treatment (it says a lot about them that they seem to think I did), I just want equal treatment. As you can see, Juice has different ideas. Thinks he can treat me like a punk. Thinks he deserves credit for doing what he’s done!

  5. No, not even close. They took waaaay too long to do what was necessary, which in the end wasn’t a full ban, but which, Kumioko being Kumioko, has had the effect of a full ban. I had to take way too many hits for doing right by the forum, and even have to suffer the indignity of being subjected to a Wikipedia style interaction ban!

  6. What is this?
    I wake up from my beauty rest to find walls and walls of text.
    Crowsnest can’t even be bothered to wait for me to wake up and moderate the comments.
    Since Crow is not willing to respect the boundaries I have set, there are now more boundaries.
    In order for a comment to appear, the commenter must already have a comment approved.
    So in order to prevent someone from posting, all it takes is to remove all their previously approved comments.
    This means Crowsnest can comment as Crowsnest, without moderation, but not as Anonymous.
    It also means my other devoted readers will now be able to post without moderation.
    I should have done this a long time ago, but my Evil Twin is in charge of this and is a little bit lazy.

    Just to be clear, this is why Crow was moderated in the first place:
    *Demanding that I participate in Sucks. I can understand and appreciate an invitation. But I am also sure that any fool can see why I would not want to expose my IP over there. This is doubly weird since Barbour hates me (at least I think he does), as I have pointed out before, and it’s not even Crow’s place to issue an invitation to someone else’s website.
    *When the demands were not met, doubling down with threats to print defamatory material about me on Sucks. This is pure extortion. It will not appear on Genderdesk. Obviously.
    *Trying to use the genderdesk to slime a well-known newbie. The fact that she now has a British Empire Medal awarded by the Queen speaks more for the quality of her articles than Crow’s embarrassing diatribes on Sucks. But as soon as wikipediots see the letters PhD after a woman’s name, it seems to give them Mad Cow Disease.

    Housekeeping done. The Desk is now tidy and ready to Spark Joy.

  7. So what about Sucks?
    I’m not going to comment on their moderation since they are obviously willing to host individuals that I will not tolerate here. They always seem to get it to work, at least in the long run. They seem to work as the tonsils of the wiki world, in containing pustulence, and at the same time extracting interesting bits of DNA that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

    >>>… this Greenman stuff is absolutely the sort of thing I’d be getting deep into, before everything went to shit. I just can’t reward these people with the benefit of my best work…

    Is your audience only these shadowy figures, or is it larger? It seems they (Sucks) have plenty of new material with the yachts and all, that are quite frankly easier to process than walls of text. The real people being rewarded are the ones who stand to lose by having corruption exposed.

    >>>Kumioko being Kumioko

    An interaction ban then, that was unacceptable to both parties, neither of which was willing to modify their approach. But Kumioko being Kumioko, he is even now probably tidying his sock drawer in anticipation of the arbcom elections, and whether Kudpung will run.

    >>>the ease of posting on a forum, rather than running my own blog, which I’d feel obliged to make sure looked a little bit more professional

    I highly recommend you try this at least as an exercise if nothing else. Take your two or three top series of postings you are proudest of and polish them. If you like the results, hit publish, you can always make changes or even take it offline later. Put in the diffs, they will be much harder to find later, especially if there is some question (spoken or unspoken), about your veracity. You will find it much easier with real editing software instead of the motley assortment of forum tools. Do this a couple of times, and you will probably find your “in the moment” style improving as well. If you have someone you trust to critique your efforts, even better. A good copyeditor can turn a B+ paper into a A paper, you may even be able to find someone to do it for cigarettes or puppy chow. You will not improve as a writer/commenter by doing the same thing over and over, only by stretching yourself to something new.

    >>>once he literally started lying

    There is a world of difference between “that is a lie” and “you are a liar”. In the one case you are arguing over facts, and have a chance to convert your opponent to your view, in the other case you are arguing over their character. Most people will likely not agree that you know what they are thinking better than they do, and that they are intentionally evil, and bystanders will think you a bully. A sentence that starts with “you”, particularly if it is negative, should be a huge warning sign of “citation needed” or maybe “copyedit needed”. At the very least it makes people defensive and less likely to accept anything else you might say.

    >>>assuming that freedom was a deliberate choice of the management

    I don’t think the management, if you can call it that, is making any deliberate choices at all. They are sort of the Tom Bombadil of the wiki world.

  8. I was gonna write this up and let you post it, but I’m short of time and it’s easy enough for you to write up directly, at least as a primer to those who want to go looking deeper. Basically, male Administrator Ritchie333 has now been ArbCom blocked twice for harassment of a woman editor, and yet he is still an Administrator, and that second block will expire in one week’s time, assuming the Wikipedians don’t get it overturned sooner. The themes in play are all the usual, blame/ignore the victim, deny the crime at all, deny the seriousness of the crime, claim a feminist conspiracy to keep a good man down, etc, etc. ArbCom are tolerating all this pushback, further undermining their authority. He is meant to be interaction banned (by ArbCom), but is trying to claim that his most recent breach for which he got that week long block was simply because he doesn’t check who has tagged articles. This is probably a lie, people certainly seem to think he has been following her around since the ban, and he has been griping about her on Wikipediocracy. Even if it is the truth, it is worth noting that on 2 October in a post on Wikipediocracy, he made it pretty obvious he was checking who tags articles and was aware of the consequences of removing one of hers. He seemed to be looking for someone to proxy for him. Why he wasn’t blocked there and then for off-site harassment, is a question that needs asking – plenty of Wikipedians will have seen that post (page 5 of his eponymous thread there). Fast forward to now, and he seems to have either decided to see if he can get away with pretending he no longer checks, or convince people that an interaction ban for harassment isn’t serious enough that he needs to check. He’s filed an unblock request that doesn’t in any way take reresponsibility for what he did, or outline how it won’t happen again. Not that he needs to, because all he has to do is take a week’s holiday.

  9. Hey Crow, I have been tinkering around in the genderdesk dungeon most of the night trying to find out why your comments seem to still be moderated. I was just going to ask you to try to post a comment to see if it is fixed yet, but I see it is not. My sincerest apologies.

    The only thing I can suggest, before hitting the support forums, is that you might want to try registering with someone like that will provide you with a free gravatar. It is possible that I will not be able to get it to work at all, so you may prefer to go back to using Anonymous or something else as your user name — it should show up as the same pattern — or sign your name at the end of posts, or do some other thing. Feel free to make a series of test posts somewhere if you want to experiment, just make another comment asking for deletion so we know which ones to keep.

    About Ritchie333, yes he is a huge problem, and also he is well respected and likable and yes, honorable, and he knows just exactly what his homies will support and what they will not. What I am saying is that he is not just Ritchie, he is a representative if you know what I am saying. So someone who can dig deeper into the issues, and get these guys on the right track would be doing a real service.

    We don’t really like to post unsupported stuff about real people here, and you have not given any links at all, so readers can’t even go to his talk page and see for themselves.

    Please post it on Sucks.

    If Ritchie333 is being sanctioned, not just once, but repeatedly, this will be very interesting to those who are following the T&S.vs. arbcom saga, but do provide links so people can find the discussions, and add to the popcorn.

    Last edited by JuiceBeetle on Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

    Edit: moderated “fucknuts”. Mind your words.

    LMAO, looks like JB doesn’t go for gendered insults. I personally loved “panty-sniffer” though, I may use that one myself.

  10. For various reasons I’ve been unable to get an actual blog post together (time, venue, battery, scope issues). If you can’t get something up quickly about the very basics, the links for which can be found just from his current talk page and his eponymous thread on WO, he’s gonna be a very lucky man. I cannot stress enough how perfect this scandal is for your blog, you won’t find a better illustration of how the Wikipedia community absolutely has no intention of taking harassment (o f a woman editor by a male Administrator) seriously, and how Wikipediocracy supports and facilitates it, for quite a while. No way am I going to write a single word about it on Sucks! though. Just not worth it. I would be an absolute fool to do so.

  11. Hey Crow I have tried everything to get this software to recognize an approved comment, and I can’t even get my own comments as “FauxCrow” unmoderated, even after approving them three times.

    It is also very odd that the system generates exactly the same identicon for both of us. I had to check your IP to make sure you weren’t in the same building, but no, we are not even on the same continent. Although that should give the conspiracy theorists over at Sucks something to chew on.

    There is no way I can do anything with the Ritchie material right now. I am sick as a dog, massive fever, surrounded by the remains of 3 rolls of toilet paper, and just when it looked like I was getting better, the fever is back. There is a fanboyz thread at

    I have been trying to follow the latest conspiracies at Sucks, and I have to say this is the fourth time this month someone has tried to link me with some user name on Wikipedia. I will neither confirm nor deny any of the speculation, I will only say that I am very disappointed they only try to link me with boring nobodies and never with anyone exciting or glamorous.

    I think you will also see their reasoning starts to fall apart when you start to fact check the details–they claim a screenshot from “yesterday” but it is really from August, they claim the site has not been updated since 2016, and yet it has an account of the death of Jamal Khashoggi, who died in 2018. Some of their other so-called “research” looks like it came from Wikipediocracy “Ducks Redux” LOL I will neither confirm nor deny that I am a deep-cover Wikipediocracy insider.

    But I have insinuated that their precious Breitbart, like the Daily Mail, is not a reliable source, (see WP:BREITBART) so they have pulled out all the stops. Their only argument seems to be an attempted dox, to make us believe they can set their little gamergate incels on the warpath, and silence by intimidation. And who are they? Why are they hiding behind psuedonyms? What exactly are they afraid of? T.D. Adler, aka The Devils Advocate scrubbed his personal information from the internet long ago. And this “Andrew Brundle” sounds like a pretty obvious psued as well. Does a marketing manager of an international entity go to the website of a total unknown and start spewing potty talk? Looks to me like the grownups forgot to set the nanny-ware. The company is probably fake too.

    It’s a shame you haven’t written about the latest Ritchie dustup on Sucks yet. I am seeing a new infection over at Sucks, but where are the phagocytes to contain it. If all they want you to do is modify your style a bit, and not your core principles, I don’t see any harm in that. Instead of trying to contend with the moderation, why not try to win them over to your point of view. I think the Thunderdome thing has run its course, and the readership is becoming bored with yet another testosterone-fogged faux combat. How about some simple fact checking. And while you’ve got the tab open, copy-paste the URL so we know you’re serious.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  12. Anyone, aka. Singora (who claimed to be Andrew Brundle) has been actively shilling for The Devil’s Advocate (TDA) over at Sucks, while trying to escalate the Crow-Graaf-Kumioko-JuiceBeetle tensions.
    His actions, and general negative treatment of women, did not go unnoticed. We don’t accept fake critics, whose only purpose is to create discord within the critics’ community.

    He also tried to use Kumioko’s self-ban as a political weapon to undermine moderation. Kumioko’s return was proposed, and it only took one supporting comment to allow Kumioko’s main account to post, yet Anyone did not make that supportive comment, even after a direct request. The owner Eric gave the only supporting comment to invite back Kumioko with his main account (not just his alt, Perseus). As a result he is able to post with his most commonly known identity now.

    Note: not linking to the sources of these facts, as you don’t link to the sucks site, however you find those comments in the “Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision” topic, and the other topic you commented on.

  13. wikipediasucks(DOT)co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1440&start=80

    Kumioko goes way back with both Wikipedia and Wikipediocracy, I don’t know if even Carrite has that amount of history with them. And Crow seems to follow all the power players, and know what they are doing in real time. It would be nice of they would do something besides snipe at each other. I would personally like to see Crow just put Kumioko on “ignore” and try to keep Carrite honest. Of course if you are reading it from the outside you don’t get to put anyone on ignore.

    Why doesn’t TDA do his own dirty work?

    1. I can’t ignore Kumioko. I have to be allowed to hold him to account on any forum where I could conceivably be assumed to consider him a brother critic, or at least someone who can be disagreed with but respected as a fellow critic. For some seemingly pretty idiotic reasons, Juice and Eric seem determined to deny me that basic right, they want to treat me like a punk, and so I have no option but to let them know this will not stand, even if the price is that bad people on Wikipedia/ocracy temporarily succeed. I’m sure they still both think this is some silly little personal dispute, which just shows they are too stupid to be running a critic forum, and don’t deserve the fruits of my time or effort.

      The Ritchie situation has escalated too quickly, and could have yet more twists and turns yet, to get something useful out now – he has of course been unblocked without even a week long block being allowed to stand. The voices seeking to protect real victims on Wikipedia have been drowned out by those trying to spin what he did as either not harassment at all, or *technically* a breach but something that can be ignored because he has found a way to game the system by improving Wikipedia at the same time as he harasses as woman editor. Something the community is happy to allow when the perp. is a popular dude, of course. Lots of obvious lies being mixed in with innocent people being duped.

      Timely coverage here would have perhaps persuaded some people of the games Ritchie was playing, the fact he knew fine well he should be looking at the article history and the evidence that shows he probably was trying to get in her face while trying to leave himself the ability to claim it was purely accidental, but it’s moot now, he won this round of the game.

      I’ll wait to see where things end up, see if ArbCom are gonna let it stand in the context of FRAMBAN (wherein the WMF are supposedly going to step in if it can be shown through continuing incidents like this that ArbCom are toothless and the community is ungovernable wrt harassment sanctions of vested contributors), and then write an absolute demolition of a blog post. Not for sucks.

  14. Sigh, not surprising though, they are willing to police racism, but not misogyny. You should do it in real time though so people have a chance to respond before everything becomes a done deal. you know those admins are probably backchanneling like crazy, but anyone who wants to make a negative comment will have to do so publicly, where they can be hounded afterwards.

    Your comments to Kumioko imo often cross the line into harassment, he is already a bit shell-shocked from WP, it is a bad look when Sucks piles on.

    1. Real time is tricky when their blood lust is up. It’s already over, bar a few more victor’s digs by The Rambling Man, his specialty. It will actually be worse for Wikipedia to write this up in the cold light of day now, it will look far worse. The ultimate conclusion of the Wikipedia community was that he wasn’t harassing her, he was “cooperating” with her, the woman he was after all, officially told to stay the hell away from my ArbCom. And after being unblocked, he wants to carry on working on the article in question, proof positive that he has absolutely no intention of accepting that he did anything wrong by supposedly just not noticing she had tagged it for deletion. He’s rubbing her nose in it, his ability to annoy her even after being told to stay away, something the evidence shows (on and off wiki) was his intent all a long. That will age as well as a bottle of milk at room temperature.

      As for Kumioko, oh hell no. He stopped being a genuine victim along time ago, all he can be called now is a professional victim, a stuck record, a proper sad case. He was actually globally banned two and a half years ago, and his troubles with the wiki authorities began long before then, obviously. Glaciers have adapted faster to their new surroundings than him.

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