Genderdesk has run out of space

“100% space used”

I’m pretty sure the “storage space” refers to images, not text.

The first image I ever uploaded was September 19, 2014.

The second image was

It’s probably the one in my side bar, but the formatting has changed and I no longer can access the sidebar.  It probably needs some kind of plug-in to run under their updated block software stuff, but it’s just not worth my effort to chase after it.

So what are my options?

I suppose I could pay their $5 ransom and it would give me another 10 years of images. But I’m not very excited about that.

I could start another blog, which would give me another free 3G. But the internet already knows me at my current URL, I suppose I would have to start all over again.

I could start deleting images to make more space.  There is probably a lot of redundancy, but I don’t think there is any way to find out if a particular image is being used.  Or maybe one of the internal search functions can find it and I just have to play with the dashboard a little.

I could write new posts without images. This would mean pieces about artists without ‘fair use’ images of their art, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.  Plus no screenshots, which is sometimes needed to prove stuff.

I could use the “winter cabin” URL I set up for emergencies. That’s pretty much the same as starting a new blog.

I could just stop blogging and abandon the website.  I have had more than a few of these WordPress blogs over the years, and I have even showed some people how to start their own blogs, but the software is all different now.  It’s in “blocks”.  I am still running the legacy software, but already I am starting to lose some functionality, for instance I can no longer change the widgets in my sidebar. This is only likely to get worse as time goes on.

I don’t have to decide anything now. Does anyone still read this?

2 thoughts on “Genderdesk has run out of space

    1. What a delight, to have so many new friends named “Anonymous”!

      Seriously though, it’s not the initial $5, it’s giving out a credit card without knowing exactly how it might be used next, or dealing with whatever new promotional offers it might spawn.

      Probably more likely I would delete or offload some posts to somewhere else. Like the “what I am reading/ doing at the moment” type of post just to give Alexa — which doesn’t really exist any more — some data about my frequency of posting.

      If there is something specific people want to see posts about, or old posts that should be kept, feel free to say so.

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