Carrite tears into Lourdes for absolutely no reason

Here’s an orange card for Tim Davenport.  (See )

Here is the screenshot, he makes up a false accusation against newbie Lourdes, aka [redacted].

Is there any evidence that someone else is using her account?  No. It doesn’t even make sense.

[image redacted]

No links, no proofs, no SPI request.  And no simple inquiry on her talk page.

But Davenport’s definition of female means incapable, so if a woman looks like she is actually doing something capable, it must really be a man doing it.

So he hits her from behind when she isn’t looking, and runs away.


So how is Tim doing these days, with his paid editing venture, that he is so jealous of someone else’s (relatively minor) success, that he is willing to make up lies about them in a secret forum?

Back in 2014 he announced a paid editing venture and linked to his profile on Upwork.  Any proceeds were to be donated to a local animal shelter.  But no income has yet been declared, so it looks no one is even willing to pay him in dog food.

How dare a woman be successful.

If a dude does something capable, no problem of course.  This one is from Sucks.

[image redacted]


There will be no backstabbing in this case, because penis.  The double standard is alive and well.

4 thoughts on “Carrite tears into Lourdes for absolutely no reason

  1. I blame Dutch toilets. No seriously google “UriLift”. While Dutch women are arrested for peeing, Dutch men are expected to pee in toilets without doors, in front of God and Everybody. Really, who wants to see some guy’s junk out on the street. And for the guys this must be terribly depressing, no wonder your Dutchman is in a fatalistic existential crisis. Even our American animals have stalls, the Dutch man is treated lower than an animal. And this time of year the crisis comes to a head with the cold temperatures, when the Dutchmen’s gentleman bits become exposed to extreem snöchaos.

    As for Carrite he needs to get out more. He has been spending way too much time in Boise with those Peloponnesian skeletons.

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