Larson indicted


(crossposting this from Reddit, with their ToS in mind.)

I guess he was indicted earlier, but this video shows him being transported to Fresno California where, unlike in Denver, where he was arrested, this time he will be held without bail.

Here is the legal document. It is not all the evidence, as it points out, it is just to justify the arrest.

12 thoughts on “Larson indicted

  1. I have a request madam. Will the O. J. Simpson detectives be so kind to stop to detective about Abd on Reddit.

    Yes, Abd is a old webcock older than the internet itself. Yes, Abd is weird, eccentric. And yes, Abd was promoting cold fusion in a pressure cooker. But there IS NOT ANY INDICATION Abd is supporting the heavy crimes of Larson,

    It’s a old man with several medical issues, he is partially paralyzed. I am not sure he can defend himself anymore. So please, please stop this smearing of his name and reputation with nonsens .

    Abd has a wonderfull daughter, a family, the internet is not a kindergarten for bored wiki folks!

  2. It is not nonsense.
    Abd has defended Nathan Larson over and over.
    Someone should make a collection of all the things Abd has said about Nathan Larson over the years.
    I guarantee it will not make Abd look good.

    I thought you were going to stop talking about Wikipedia stuff.
    Because if someone starts looking at all the stuff you said on Reddit, and all the stuff about prostitutes on your old blog, you are not going to look good either.

  3. Me? Prostitutes? My god. I should only think what a waste of my money. Never seen a brothel inside in my whole life. And why should I?

    And this is not about Wikipedia, that book is closed. This is about a old man, according to himself demented and paralyzed, who probably can no longer defend himself anymore.

    Of course it is insane and foolish to defend a horrible person like Larson. But the kidnaping of that girl has very little to do with Abd in my opinion. And if so it’s the job of the FBI, the police and not of O. J. Simpson wiki detectives and wiki kangaroo courts.

  4. Hmm, it’s still in cache.

    What is “Door Graaf Statler aanbevolen: A15 girls”?

    Is this the one recommended by Graaf?

    15 minutes for 50 euros?

    Closed for COVID.

    What is “online sex work”?

    Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

    These are the enablers. These are the people who could have told Nathan Larson to stop. They had his ear, but they said nothing. Instead, they made excuses, and made it possible for him to continue, what he has probably been doing for a long long time.

  5. 15 minutes for 50 euros? Well, 15 minutes doesn’t seems to me to let a lot of space for some romance. But probably that’s no where the visitors are looking for.
    No madam, I should feel myself like Peter Fonda in Madame Tinkertoy’s House of Blue Lights. This kind of things is simple not my cup of tea.

    But what has a Dutch middle class highway club -although it has excellent reviews- to do with Abd Lomax and Nathan Larson if I may ask?

    1. You recommended it. Your name is on it.
      If Abd comes back, people will be waiting for him, and they will be wanting to document all the perverted stuff that went on at Reddit, and elsewhere.

  6. Have a close look, Tvilling.

    That posting was done by ADVISEUR1962, not a clou who it is.
    I have only posted under the name Graafhimself and MikeNeterlands on Eerbeek blog.
    So, I have nothing to do with that posting and in general don’t own you any explanation if I visit highway clubs or not. It is simple not of your business and it should be complete legal in Holland if I did. But still, no thanks.

    And till now I have not seen any hard evidence Abd should support the crimes of Larson.
    Can’t you show up with something better then “the others”?

    1. So you objected? You protested? You told them to take it down? You sued them for defamation? At least maybe you published a disclaimer, an objection? Or did they use your name with permission.

      By the way, why was groetenuiteerbeek taken down? The notice says it was “suspended in accordance with our terms of service.” And what happened to flipjesland? It is redirected to groetenuiteerbeek.

      As for Abd, before you defend him, you should do some “due diligence” and see what he has written about Nathan Larson over the years. There is also the question of the relationship between Abd and Larson’s mother, who paid for his trip to Fresno. This is just a beginning, of over 19 years of material, but since you asked…

      1. No. I didn’t defend Abd and Abd has been a 100% madman with his crazy “moderation” of me on Sucks with Aron. I object against the wiki way of claiming thinks and never giving any substantiation. Drawing conclusions out of “backed air” as we say in Holland.

        Abd has very strange views, that is something I said many times before. About “training” people, about copyright, about moderation, (Abd destroys every forum in no time). And also about sex and children, true. Complete true.

        You mix things up. Eerbeek was about the crazy situation on the Dutch wikipedia, it was many times satirical and mainly about copyright and sexualisation of Wp-Nl. You start cherry picking about a posing I have nothing to do with, and start suggesting I should promote visting Brothels what is complete nonsens. It was not my posing, Madam.

        And that is the same with Abd. The heavy crimes of kidnaping a child can’t compared with the bull Abd is predicting all over the years. Abd is only responsible for what he has written, not for what Larson has done. And till now I have not seen any sign Abd agree with what Larson has done.
        The wikiway. Take as many things what are true or not even and remix it to your own true. Put your finger in your own ass, smell on it and say, he, I smell something funny as Crow described it.

        Till now is the best thing you have produced against me iis I should have promoted a Dutch highway club and should defend Abd. Both not true. But seemly a perfect reason for a SanFanBan. And in this way wiki evidence is produced, and THAT is where I protest against.
        In a Dutch courtroom the wiki- T&S judges had had not a change against me and should disappear in prison for deformation in Holland. Yes madam, in prison!

        There it is about, madam, wiki kangaroo courts with there name and shame lists by people courts, volkskammers madam.

        1. Graaf: “You start cherry picking about a posing I have nothing to do with, and start suggesting I should promote visting Brothels what is complete nonsens. [link]

          Also Graaf: “He was often trolling me with that A15 highway sex club and many other things on Eerbeek blog, but I didn’t care” [link]

          So much for the faux outrage.

          1. Angry? Because De kolonel made a little sick joke? Come one, Twin, if I should like this kind of clubs I should go there, what is the scandal? A older man who has some well paid fun in a complete legal club?

            I simple don’t like porn, don’t like sex clubs, am extreem selective about woman and that is all. I never did. But I should absolute not be ashamed and open about it otherwise.

  7. Abd Lomax a few hours ago showed up on that thread on Reddit to defend Nathan Larson. Abd says Larson is pretending to be a pedo. I think we just need to be blunt and honest and admit Abd is very dodgy on this subject. Larson has been arrested for abducting a child and caught with cp yet Abd still says he is not a pedo.

    Abd Lomax is a very strange man the only guy in the world to defend Larson and admit he had hour long phone calls with him. I am offended by Abd.

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