Transgender fallout from Cass Review

The Guardian has a new piece by whistleblower Dr. David Bell.

“Central here was the lack of an evidential base of good quality that could back claims for the effectiveness of young people being prescribed puberty blockers or proceeding on a medical pathway to transition. I and many other clinicians were concerned about the risks of long-term damaging consequences of early medical intervention. Cass has already had to speak out against misinformation being spread about her review, and a Labour MP has admitted she “may have misled” Parliament when referring to it. The review should be defended from misrepresentation.

“The policy of “affirmation” – that is, speedily agreeing with a child that they are of the wrong gender – was an inappropriate clinical stance brought about by influential activist groups and some senior gender identity development service (Gids) staff, resulting in a distortion of the clinical domain. Studies indicate that a majority of children in the absence of medical intervention will desist – that is, change their minds.”

Dr. Cass has also been advised not to use public transportation due to threats to her safety.

The Tavistock scandal has been going on since at least 2003, when clinician and then Tavistock employee Sue Evans started speaking up at meetings. The best written story about her is still the Daily Mail, sorry, although you can still piece together the same information from other sources.  You can read quite a bit of her book, Gender DysphoriaA Therapeutic Model for Working with Children, Adolescents and Young Adults online in preview from Google Books.

There was another report, an internal one, by then medical director Dr David Taylor,  published in January 2006, and buried. It was recently obtained by some kind of freedom of information request, but I have not found it yet. This was done in 2019 when Hannah Barnes, a BBC journalist, obtained it via a Freedom of Information request — she is the author of Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Service for Children. You can read more than a hundred pages of this in preview mode from Google Books:

This has been going on for 17 years.

This article is a shift for the Grauniad, which previously came out in support of the Wi Spa flasher.

The NYT has also started to shift, but cautiously. This week they have an opinion piece by David Brooks, the columnist everyone loves to hate: “The Courage to Follow the Evidence on Transgender Care“. Ha, ha, “Issues are settled by intimidation, not evidence.” which Brooks decries, and after citing a Cass interview in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) several times, and using some cringy activist jargon, launches into a criticism of Trumpism. Is Brooks starting to write more coherently or is it just me.

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